Tag Archives: Causes

#2. Hacking Off All of My Hair

I’ve always worn my hair long…except for two times in my entire life.

The first time I was about 4.  My friend cut her hair short, so I had to do it, too. Then…I cried.

Exhibit A

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The second time my hair ended up short unintentionally. I wanted curly hair in 5th grade. And that meant a perm…except my hair ended up crimpy, stinky, and not even shoulder length. I cried…again.

Exhibit B

Removed so I don’t die of embarrassment.

So when I decided to donate my hair, I had to wait until it was long enough that I wouldn’t end up in tears after cutting off 8 inches.

Exhibit C


I heard that Pantene donates a higher percentage of hair, so I donated my hair to them instead of Locks of Love.

Just in time, too, because my hair is turning gray fast.

Checked off another item on the 35 Before 35 list!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year…Isn’t It?

Two days after Thanksgiving our neighbor knocked on our door to deliver some somber news:

The man who lived two houses down had taken his own life.

Radley had told us he woke up in the middle of the night and saw flashing lights outside his window, but since they were gone in the morning, we didn’t give it a second thought.

We didn’t give it a second thought because we were busy cleaning up Thanksgiving since we hosted for 15 people, and the house was a wreck.

We didn’t give it a second thought because a few months ago the house across the street had an electrical fire and seeing fire trucks, police cars, insurance workers, and contractors had become common.

I used to see our neighbor almost every morning running, but I hadn’t recently, and I didn’t give it a second thought.

I spoke to him briefly over the summer, and he seemed out of it, but I was trying to get Scout to nap so I didn’t give it a second thought.

This time of year it’s easy to get stressed out or caught up in the holiday madness. But stop and give someone a second thought. And if you’re having a rough time, stop and give it a second thought.

Cee Lo and I Save the Environment

Do you remember your dreams?

I usually don’t…except the dream where Kiefer left me for Maggie Gyllenhaal. Jerk.

But when I woke up this morning, I actually remembered my dream.

I was standing at the edge of a dock overlooking a lake. In the water next to the dock, was a canoe. And someone was beckoning to me to get into the canoe.

That someone was Cee Lo.

Cee Lo wanted me to get in the canoe with him. Why? Because a canoe ride was going to be our date.

Thoughtsy: But, Cee Lo, I already have a boyfriend. He wouldn’t like me climbing into canoes with other guys. We just don’t have that kind of open relationship.

After a few minutes of back and forth, I was about to walk away from Cee Lo’s outstretched hand when I saw…an otter.

And he was covered in oil. There had been an oil spill in the lake! NOOOOO!

I jumped into the canoe with Cee Lo and ordered him to paddle.

Thoughtsy: Hurry, Cee Lo! We have to save the otter!

What do you think my dream means? I think Kiefer could learn a lesson from my dream: Kiefer, beware of men bearing otters.

Favorite Comment from Previous Post: “Doesn’t everyone think Bob Hoskins is *very* sexy as Smee in Hook? No? Just me then.”—Alone With Cats

Will Run for Cupcakes

I ran a 5K on Sunday.

I ran for Cakes for a Cause.

I ran to help young people who are transitioning out of the foster care system.

I ran for a free cupcake…even though it was hot as balls outside.

I ran for a real cupcake. Not this one. This cupcake is my friend. Friends don’t eat friends who are dressed as cupcakes.

Update: Here’s proof that I actually ran. I had a cute cupcake crown, too, but it fell off.

Write a Letter of Appreciation Week

Dear Medics,

In the past, I’ve posted about the Soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, but today I’d like to thank you, the medics.

Awhile back I attended a Special Operations medical conference in Tampa. (See? I told you I was in the Special Ops with Pauly Shore.)

Several of the speakers at the conference were medics in Iraq or Afghanistan.

And those medics are stronger than I am. Why?

Not just because I tend to scream things like Ewwww! Blood! But because of triage.

Seeing there is nothing you can do to save a patient, having the patient beg you not to leave, and then moving on to the next person in hopes that you can save him. And doing that over and over again.

Why else?

  • Because you treated wounded children.
  • Because you couldn’t do anything for some of those children.
  • Because you held fellow Soldiers as they passed away.
  • Because although you did everything that you could, lives were still lost.
  • Because you do that day after day…again and again.

It’s not just military medics that do that, people in the civilian world (like fellow blogger Esme) do their best to save lives every day.

Thank you for not only saving lives, but also for trying.


Today is the last day of Write a Letter of Appreciation Week. Maybe write a thank you note to a medic, doctor, nurse, or anyone else that you think deserves it today.