#10. Eating Fuzzy Butt Fruit

As I revealed here and here, I am a notoriously picky eater. Admitting it is the first step.

Kiefer: Want some kiwi? (::cutting up kiwi::)

Me: No. I don’t like kiwi.

Kiefer: Have you ever even had kiwi? (::looking up even though he already knows the answer::)

Me: (::unsurpressable grin::) Nooooo.

Obviously we have conversations like this all the time. Just replace “kiwi” with a different food.

Kiefer: How do you know that you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?

Me: I just know. (There’s no denying my 3-year-old child logic.) It’s fuzzy. And fuzzy fruit is gross. Are you putting that kiwi in the fruit salad? That’ll contaminate the good fruit.

Ah-ha! Texture! Some people don’t like mushrooms (yuck!) or coconut (yummy!) because of the texture. So I can dislike fuzzy fruit because of texture.

Peaches are more photogenic than kiwis.

But I was a good sport. I tried a kiwi. And that just happens to be #10 on my 30 Before 30 List: Try a new fruit.

At the grocery store I was feeling exceptionally adventurous, so in addition to my kiwi, I bought a peach.

I’ve only ever had canned peaches. And after trying a fresh peach, I think I’ll stick to the canned peaches and their syrupy sweet goodness. (Izziedarling, I’ll make an exception for one of your peaches.)

Besides…I think this peach is mooning me. No one wants to eat fruit that resembles a butt.

Fear Factor, here I come.

By the way, I didn’t like the kiwi either.

About thoughtsappear

I eat lots of sugar. It's the only way to keep up with my new baby and to outrun zombies. View all posts by thoughtsappear

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