Tag Archives: Eytan and the Embassy

Tag Team Back Again

Every Girls Corner and Sideways Thinking are tag teaming me to do this.

But before I start, since this song is stuck in my head, I want it to be stuck in yours as well.

Party on, party people, Let me hear some noise. DC’s in the house. Jump, Jump, rejoice. There’s a party over here, a party over there….

1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why?

I wish I could teleport like Nightcrawler. Think of all the money I would save on plane tickets and gas. And all the extra time I would have. No more traffic or motion sickness!

2. Who is your style icon?

No one. However, sometimes I wish I was a hat person. Because some hats are really cute. Blossom wore some cool hats, but she wore some ugly ones, too.

3. What is your favorite quote?

I love quotes. I have a list of thousands of them that I enjoy. How am I supposed to pick one? Let’s go with the lyrics above…and this one:

He offered her the world. She said she had her own.–Monique Duval

You have everything you need. You just have to know it in your own heart.–Jennifer Weiner

4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

Kiefer told me that I was the most loving person he’d ever met. I don’t think he was referring to my love of dessert, but maybe he was.

5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?

Eytan and the Embassy–my free CD.

6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?

Morning. I have crazy mad energy when I first wake up, but I tend to need a nap around lunch time. That’s right, I’m already old at age 29. I also like to eat dinner at 5:30 (which Kiefer says is too early). Whatever. I hate waiting for a table at restaurants.

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Cats. I refuse to pick up dog poo.

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?

It’s from Empire Records.

Busy Buzzing All Over Town

Sunday Blarney and I traveled to Pittsburgh to see the Old 97s and Eytan and the Embassy. Also known as #28 on my 30 Before 30 list.

The concert was at Mr. Smalls, a really cool venue. It’s an old church transformed into a recording studio, concert stage, and a skate park just outside of Pittsburgh in the small town of Millvale.

Something you should know about Millvale: Nothing is open on Sunday, especially on Sunday night.

While we waited for the concert to begin, I introduced Blarney to the Lemon Drop shot. Tasty!

Ok, not really. But you know…Sugar! I showed her the wussy way to down the shot, by pouring the sugar on the lemon slice. Don’t judge me. Girls are allowed to do it this way.

Eytan and the Embassy opened. (Name sound familiar? It should.)

Awesome band. Usually after a few songs, I’m ready for the headliner, but the music was upbeat, and their time on stage seemed much too short. My favorite songs were The Good Life, Queen Bee, and The Perfect Breakup.

Years ago I was into Less Than Jake and Reel Big Fish, so I have a soft spot for bands with brass. And it just so happens this band has a trombone and a saxophone.

Blarney might have called dibs on the saxophone player while I might have called dibs on the trombone player. I admit to nothing. If that did happen, I blame the Lemon Drop shots.

I wish I could impress you with some amazing musical terminology and knowledge (because these guys deserve it), but I have none.

Next up was Old 97s. Blarney’s in love with the lead singer of the Old 97s, so she’s working on a guest blogger post for later.

Confession #1: I have a “thing” for bassists. Maybe including the Eytan and the Embassy bassist. 

Confession #2: I was not in love, or even in like, with the Old 97s bassist. Bassist Love Spell Broken!

After the show, we chatted with the lead singer and trombone player for Eytan and the Embassy. Such super nice guys.

And they gave me a free CD! And they signed it! Go see them in NYC now! (Do I sound like a crazy teenage girl here?)

Confession #3: My long-time bassist crush may have turned into a trombone player crush. ::blushing and loads of eyelash batting::

Find Eytan and the Embassy on Facebook and stop by to say hi. Tell them the technical writer from MD sent you. Leave out the part about crushing on their bassist and trombone player.

PS: Eytan and the Embassy, I owe you a drink…and money for your CD.

She’s Got the Crazy Eyes!

From now on, I may be living in terror and constant fear. 

Boo called me last night. From Kiefer’s ex’s cell. Boo and Radley want me to help decorate Kiefer’s house for his return from Africa, and then Boo and Radley can surprise Kiefer by being home already as well.

Aww…Boo and Radley love me. 

Awkward…Kiefer’s ex has my phone number. 

Aww…but it’s for a cute reason. 

Awkward…Kiefer’s ex has my phone number. 

Crazy Eyes From HIMYM

I hate that exs exist. Even mine. Did I tell you about Kiefer’s ex’s subtle (yet not-so-subtle) dig at me during one of our first meetings. (I’ll blog about it later, but trust me, she was mean.) 

The Problem: They want help when I’ll be on my way to the airport to pick up their Dad. 

Boo gets upset, which tugs at my heart. Don’t cry, Boo! If you cry, I’ll cry. 

My Solution: I say, “Can your mom or babysitter meet me somewhere? Then you and Radley can come with me to the airport.” 

I am a genius. (Unless Kiefer is so exhausted that he just wants to chillax child-free. Crap.) 

But the ex has my phone number. She now has the power to call and be mean. Noooooo!

Panicking, I call Puddin’.

Me: I did something stupid.

Puddin’: Oh my god, you’re calling me from New York because you ran off with that band!

Me: ::I pause to reflect and actually consider this awesome idea!::

I explain the situation (while hyperventilating), and Puddin’, in her infinite wisdom, says: 

Look at it from the point of view that those boys love you, and they want to be with you and include you. You’re finally slowly stepping into the stepmother role. And if Kiefer isn’t excited by that, he’s an idiot. And then we’re running off to Hawaii where Taylor Lautner will be our Cabana boy.

I paraphrased. Because she actually said a ton of awesome stuff that made me tear up. 

This whole situation has made me think. I can do stuff like coordinate with his ex to bring his children to the airport, but getting some type of committment from Kiefer? Out of the question. 

That man better drop down to one knee when I show up with Boo and Radley at the airport. Because I rock. 

And if he doesn’t, I’m running off to NY to rock with Eytan and the Embassy. Or to Hawaii.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Remember the Little Caesar’s Pizza Guy? Read the post title like that.

Friday I was featured on Freshly Pressed. It was the turning point in my day.

  • Earthquake.
  • My cat was so scared, she felt the need to sleep on my face.
  • A bee landed on my nose in the parking lot. This was more traumatic than the earthquake. I’ve never been stung before, so naturally I’m terrified and imagine being stung by a bee as the most painful experience on earth.
  • I realized I forgot my breakfast Pop-Tart.  Not quite as traumatic as the bee but close.
  • My blog post is featured on Freshly Pressed!
  • I spent my lunch hour getting a pedicure.
  • After work I saw Eclipse. Which means I also saw Jacob with his shirt off. How many abs does that boy have? Ah, Taylor Lautner, if only I were 10 years younger, Johnny Depp would have some competition for his status of future husband.

Thank you, WordPress, for picking my post! I didn’t even have to stomp my feet, roll around on the floor screaming, or drop and quiver my lower lip.

Thank you, Readers. Readers who have been reading from the beginning and the new readers. I’m trying to visit new blogs and my usuals, but I’m running a little behind. (I had a fun-filled weekend of seeing Mary Poppins in DC, and the Old 97s and Eytan and the Embassy in Pittsburgh, so I’ll definitely be posting about those.)

Thank you, Earthquake, for the material. Feel free to quake again. Maybe even step it up to a 3.7 instead of a 3.6. I’ll even go as high as 3.8.