Pumpkins Will One Day Rule the World

It’s that time of year…the time of year where almost everyone* falls victim to Pumpkin Madness.

*Everyone but me.

Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin scones, pumpkin Oreos, pumpkin Pop-Tarts…. ::shudder::


Oh, Pop-Tarts, why have thou forsaken me?

And is if that’s not enough, now there are pumpkin bagels.


Tell me: When does it all end?

Nevermind. I can answer my own question: When Christmas flavors come into season…which should be any day now since it’s mid-October.

About thoughtsappear

I eat lots of sugar. It's the only way to keep up with my new baby and to outrun zombies. View all posts by thoughtsappear

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