Ice Cream Face Off: Maggie Moo vs. Coldstone

The Challenge: Taste Testing Ice Creams

The Taste Testers: Becky and Myself

The Ice Creams: (“Ice creams?” I hear you snickering.):Maggie Moo and Coldstone Creamery

The Mission: To go out for ice cream twice…in one night…two different places…two different ice creams…one right after the other.* If you can’t handle two desserts in one night, consider yourself an amateur. Becky and I are professionals.

The History: Becky and I have known each other since elementary school. How cool is that? (Becky’s also the one who got married last year on my birthday and got me my own cake.)

Becky and I have a mutual love. Johnny Depp. Wait—Becky and I share two loves.

1. Johnny Depp. What Becky has failed to come to terms with is that now that she is married, that leaves me single and available for Johnny Depp, my future husband.

2. Dessert. Over the years Becky and I have shared lots of sugar substances. Just a few sugar memories with Becky:

a. I have an awesome picture of Becky mid-sugar rush, which earned her the nickname “Candy Freak.” (Since I’ve revealed that, Becky will probably never speak to me again, so I’ll be looking for a new dessert buddy. Volunteers?)

b. Becky went through a Pixie Stick phase. And because Becky was cool, I joined her in the powdery, sugary, crack-like goodness.

c. I went trick-r-treating with her…in high school. Teenagers need candy, too.

d. A couple months ago Becky introduced me to Coldstone Creamery’s Oreo Cream Filling Ice Cream. (I just drooled on the keyboard a little.)

Obviously I had to ask her to do this taste test with me.


Finally, the Taste Test: In corner #1 we have Maggie Moo’s Strawberry SkyDive and Toffee Plunge.

Strawberry SkyDive: Uhhh…you mean I was actually supposed to taste it and not just inhale it?** Oops.

Toffee Plunge: Becky was not impressed.

In corner #2 we have Coldstone Creamery’s Strawberry Blonde and Coffee Lovers Only:

Strawberry Blonde: The ice cream was creamer, but I was not a fan of the whole strawberries. (I like strawberry flavor, but strawberries not so much.)

Coffee Lovers Only: Large chunks of Heath bar!

The Winner is Coldstone’s Creamery. Becky said Ben and Jerry’s ice cream better than Coldstone’s because there is a greater Heath bar to ice cream ratio.

I’m sensing another ice cream face off in the future.

*Now seems like a good time to mention that Becky and I didn’t actually eat both ice creams in the same day. We had the best intentions though.

**Something to add to the Future Husband List…Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT put the engagement ring in ice cream. It’ll be lost forever.

About thoughtsappear

I eat lots of sugar. It's the only way to keep up with my new baby and to outrun zombies. View all posts by thoughtsappear

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